Thousands of Oklahomans impacted by the Moore tornado are still working to recover and rebuild their lives. Thanks to Cargill, 1,000 families in Moore will receive a turkey to help make their Thanksgiving complete.
The 1,000 donated turkeys will be available at the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma’s partner agencies that are serving Moore tornado victims, as well as Moore Distribution Center, which helps families who were impacted by the F5 tornado. On average, the distribution center still serves 50 families daily.
“It’s difficult to describe the devastation so many Oklahomans experienced as a result of the violent tornadoes and subsequent flooding,” said Rodney Bivens, executive director of the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma. “We want to thank Cargill for stepping up to make sure our neighbors have enough to eat this Thanksgiving.”
One in six Oklahomans has inconsistent access to food. The holidays can be especially hard on Oklahomans struggling with hunger. According to the Hunger in America study, 40 percent of the Regional Food Bank’s clients report choosing between food and electricity during the winter.
To help, Chesapeake Energy Corp. and the Caritas Famiglia LLC have teamed up to match every dollar donated to the Regional Food Bank of Oklahoma through Jan. 15—up to $1 million.