Andrew “Andy” Carloss opened Midtown Market in Paducah, Kentucky, because the idea just wouldn’t leave him alone. Carloss was born and raised in Paducah and earned his business management degree from the University of Kentucky. He took a tech job in...
Market Profile
Laurel Grocery Co. is continually developing new merchandising and marketing programs for its retail customers as part of its commitment to always “think retail.” Based...
Sales tax collections and metro population totals both have been up in Arkansas over the past year, according to Steve Goode, executive director of the Arkansas Grocers...
At its March meeting, Iowa’s Revenue Estimating Conference projected a 2.2 percent decrease in revenue in fiscal 2024 versus fiscal 2023. But the panel also forecasted...
With less than a month to go, officials at the California Grocers Association have been busy preparing for their annual CGA Strategic Conference. The focus of the Palm...
It has taken a while, but the grocery industry in New York is beginning to return to normal levels. While this is positive news, grocers in the state still face some...
Experts tracking the supermarket industry agree that the past year has been a challenging one for Louisiana grocers. The rising cost of food and other essentials is...
The new Edwards Food Giant that opened in Lakewood Village in North Little Rock in early April was described by one observer as “Publix come to Arkansas, to be honest...