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Nielsen Looks At CPG Dollar Sales Data For Week Ending May 23

Nielsen data

Last updated on September 19th, 2022 at 10:45 am

The information below, reported by Nielsen, reflects total U.S. weekly dollar sales data, reflecting the one- and 12-week periods ending May 23, compared to those same time periods in 2019. This includes a variety of in-store and online CPG breakouts, tracking both sales and pricing data.

Everything below reflects total U.S. in-store measurement, except the total CPG online sales and online department-level breakouts. Unless otherwise noted (where price changes are included), every percentage reflects year-over-year shifts in dollar sales.

More details at Nielsen.com microsite: “How Americans Are Shopping During COVID-19.

Some high-level key takeaways:

  • Total U.S. in-store CPG growth again slowed slightly vs. previous week, but with still strong overall growth vs. year ago (+13.9% for the latest one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. the same week in 2019).
    • Total U.S. online CPG growth also slowed slightly vs. previous week but is still impressive vs. year ago (+30.2% for the latest one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. the same week in 2019).
  • The in-store seafood department almost doubled the year-over-year growth of any other in-store department for this latest week. Frozen and meat maintain their #2 and #3 growth positions.
  • Hand sanitizer (+691.5%), baking yeast (+258.5%) and oat milk (+254%) lead in-store categories in year-over-year growth.
  • With this week representing the primary lead-up to Memorial Day weekend, summer-skewed food products performed well, while non-food items like sunscreen and insect repellent did not.
  • In-store prices remained high and continued similar year-over-year growth from the previous year, with total CPG +5.8%. Total in-store food and beverage prices are +17.1%.
  • Within online CPG, food is still up significantly (+44.0%), while the health and beauty care department (+20.8%) also rose, with over a 3% jump from the previous week’s year-over-year growth.

Online Breakouts

Source: Nielsen e-commerce measurement powered by Rakuten Intelligence, for one- and 12-week periods ending May 23, 2020, compared to the same time period in 2019.

Total U.S. CPG online sales: (comparing one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year): 30.2%

  • 12-week period ending 5/23/20: +53.9%

Online department breakdown (comparing one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year)

  • Food: +44%
  • Household care: +30.1%
  • Health and beauty care: +20.8%
  • Pet care: +15.1%
  • Baby care: +9%

Online categories of note (comparing one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year)

  • Ice cream and frozen novelty: +114.5%
  • Rolls and buns: +34%
  • Lemonade: +38%
  • Pet flea & tick product: +13.3%


In-Store Breakouts

Nielsen Total U.S. xAOC, for the one- and 12-week periods ending May 23, 2020 and May 16, 2020, compared to the same time periods in 2019


  • Total U.S. CPG
    • One-week period ending 5/23/20: +5.8%
    • 12-week period ending 5/23/20: +4.1%
  • Total edibles (food/beverage) (this all falls within total CPG)
    • One-week period ending 5/23/20: +7.3%
    • 12-week period ending 5/23/20: +5.7% c

All of the below reflects year-over-year dollar sales shifts, unless otherwise noted.

Total CPG & Food/Beverage

  • Total U.S. CPG: +13.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • 12-week period ending 5/23/20: +22.9%
  • Total edibles (food/beverage) (this all falls within total CPG): +17.1% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • 12-week period ending 5/23/20: +26.5%

Branded vs. Private Label (across total in-store CPG)

  • Branded
    • One-week period ending 5/23/20: +14.1%
    • 12-week period ending 5/23/20: +22.5%
  • Private label
    • One-week period ending 5/23/20: +12.9%
    • 12-week period ending 5/23/20: +25%

Top 5 growing categories of the week

  • Hand sanitizer: +691.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +394.2%
  • Baking yeast: +258.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +226.8%
  • Oat milk: +254% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +318.3%
  • Fresh meat alternatives: +178.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +247.9%
  • Crab: +120.1% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +66.3%
    • Average unit price: +18.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year

Department breakdown

  • Seafood: +49.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +24%
    • Average unit price: +5.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Frozen: +28.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +39.2%
    • Average unit price: +10.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Meat: +22.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +40.3%
    • Average unit price: +14.8% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Dairy: +20.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +28.1%
    • Average unit price: +9.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Produce: +16.4% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +19%
    • Average unit price: +2.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Grocery: +16% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +27.1%
    • Average unit price: +6.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Household care: +14.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +36.2%
    • Average unit price: +7.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Pet care: +0.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +6%
    • Average unit price: +5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Deli: -0.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +1.6%
    • Average unit price: +3.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Health and beauty care: -2.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +7.3%
    • Average unit price: +4.1% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Baby care: -7.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +1.9%
    • Average unit price: +3.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Bakery: -8.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): -5.1%
    • Average unit price: +14.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year

Early Load-ups/Basics

  • Bath tissue (toilet paper): +10.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +56.5%
  • Paper towels: +18.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +50.8%
  • Multi-purpose cleaners: +60.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +95.8%
  • Aerosol disinfectants: +62.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +196.2%
  • Dried beans: +45.4% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +118.5%
  • Pasta: +24.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +65.2%
  • Rice: +19.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +69%
  • Ice cream: +21.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +29.1%

Meat, Dairy and Alternatives

  • Fresh meat: +24.4% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +42.8%
    • Average unit price: +16.4% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Fresh beef: +24.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +45.7%
    • Average unit price: +21.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Fresh chicken: +19.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +36.5%
    • Average unit price: +10.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Fresh pork: +27.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +42.3%
    • Average unit price: +17.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Fresh meat alternatives: +178.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +247.9%
    • Average unit price: +23.8% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Fully cooked meat: +10.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +17.5%
    • Average unit price: +4.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Fully cooked meat alternatives: +35% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +53.1%
    • Average unit price: +7.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Processed meat: +24.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +45%
    • Average unit price: +12.8% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Bacon: +24.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +45%
    • Average unit price: +4.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Chicken eggs: +39% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +46.9%
    • Average unit price: +25.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Cow’s milk: +8% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +19.1%
    • Average unit price: +6.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year

Seafood (inclusive of ALL seafood within Seafood, Frozen and Grocery departments)

  • Lobsters: +73.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +57.2%
    • Average unit price: +4.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Catfish: +64.1% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +41.2%
    • Average unit price: +5.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Shrimp: +58.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +40.1%
    • Average unit price: +7.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
  • Oysters: +53.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
    • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +33%
    • Average unit price: +15.8% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year

Others to Watch

  • Summer/Memorial Day preparation
    • Fresh chicken wings: +54% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +63.9%
    • Potato chips: +12.7% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +22.3%
    • Fully cooked beef patties: +37.3% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +52.1%
    • Hamburger buns: +17.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +34.9%
    • Frankfurters (hot dogs): +11% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +39.7%
    • American cheese: +25.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +43.7%
    • Marshmallows: +51.1% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +63.7%
    • Salad dressing: +21.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +21.9%
    • Sunscreen: -34% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): -39.1%
    • Insect repellent: -4.1% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +8.6%
    • Frozen pizza: +24.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +52.1%
    • Frozen french fries: +48.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
      • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +59.9%
    • Baking products/supplies
      • Flour: +63.6% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +105.8%
      • Baking powder: +88% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +130.1%
      • Fresh fruit (total from produce department): +11.1% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +12.1%
      • Fresh vegetables (total from produce department): +21.9% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +25.8%
      • Hair coloring: +19.5% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +24.2%
      • Nail polish: +31.2% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +22%
      • Scented candles: +61.4% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +47.4%
      • Dish soap: +30% for the one-week period ending 5/23/20 vs. same week previous year
        • Latest 12-weeks (ending 5/23/20): +57.9%


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