The Minnesota Grocers Association presented its 2023 MGA Legislator of the Year award to Representative Kristin Robbins at its annual legislative dinner on Jan. 31 at the St. Paul Hotel in St. Paul, Minnesota.
Each year, the Minnesota Grocers Association acknowledges a lawmaker who demonstrates commitment to the food industry. The 2023 MGA Legislator of the Year award went to Rep. Robbins for championing the association’s top legislative priority: the refilling of the Unemployment Insurance Trust Fund.
“Representative Robbins fought tirelessly last session in promoting legislation that creates jobs and careers for her constituents. She displayed outstanding commitment in advocating for common sense policies that spur economic activity and help our neighbors keep their shopping baskets full,” said Jamie Pfuhl, president of the MGA.
“This award is a testament to her vision, leadership and support of the entire industry from farm to fork.”
Robbins’ bill allocated federal relief dollars to the UITF, which will prevent businesses from being hit with increased taxes and surcharges. Robbins also authored a bill that would allow employers to receive a workforce training credit for eligible expenses for direct costs of training paid by an employer to train an employee.
“Minnesota’s food industry is a crucial component of maintaining a vibrant economy that families and communities really on. With inflation and rising costs affecting every part of our daily lives, I am proud to support policies that create jobs and allow families to afford the items they need to thrive,” Robbins said.
“I am honored to receive this award from the Minnesota Grocers Association I will continue to advocate for consumers, main street Minnesota businesses and all Minnesotans.”
The association held its annual Bipartisan Bag-Off Jan. 31 as well. To read The Shelby Report’s article about the winners from the competition, click here.